Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Perfectionist

"Striving for excellence," according to Harriet Braiker, "motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing." Truest quote that explains myself. But still, i was puzzled what he meant of excellence and perfection.

Perfectionism: a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable. I never knew this was a latent character that i have in my personality. Some situations have told me that it really is existing in my blood. I have inconspicuously been seeking perfection for the last years of my life. That is why i am having a very hard time appreciating the works i have done and am doing.
I have written many stories as i aspire to become a great writer. I have read some of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories, and i admire all of them. He, as well, motivated me to do my own and in my mind, implanted that I too can reach what he had. I started to think of unique ideas that will surely hit up to the readers and pondered of every word that i would write. At the beginning, i worked with ease and corrected every mistake, altering every statement into a more appealing one. Many days and nights made my head baffled with what to do next for as i go on, my work became as common as any other literature and has long gone down my standard. I read and read others' and compared to mine but still, it was hopeless. I have had many unfinished works and all the concepts i've had were squandered in time. My papers slept...kept and eaten by the dust on the shelves. They had not satisfied me.

In school, many of my classmates were aspiring writers and i get a chance to read their works. I have observed many mistakes but of course, my sensitivity to others' emotions made me a silent critic. Although i was not that pleased with some of them, i somehow grew envious that they had accomplished many tasks. If only they had my strong sense of flaws or mistakes, then i would've admired them to the level they deserve. And i would willingly give it to them. Yet i did not appreciate my own self as i sought for the perfect one. I maybe am a neurotic perfectionist.

I evaluated many people of the way they do things, some of them i vocally expressed, some were just thoughts of mine. Because of my noticeable criticism, a classmate of mine during my third year in high school, Christian Roy, told me that i am too much into perfection [not the exact words]. I was surprised for he was the first ever person to say that. I told myself, "Am i really that kind of person?"

As i write this blog, i am also reading all about Perfectionism according to Psychology. They were right. All of the descriptions have fitted me.

  • Perfectionists may be workaholics who cannot relax; people who reproach themselves for days after the smallest error, such as a word out of place; the person so intent on finding the perfect mate that they never settle down; the procrastinator; the finicky person; and so on. Perfectionists tend to be exceptionally sensitive to criticism.

  • Perfectionists often exhibit some or all of the following personality traits: emotional guardedness; a need for control; fear of making mistakes or errors; thrift; need to be above criticism; tendency to be stubborn or confrontational; and so on.

Many events have i observed myself develop this personality. As what i have told you earlier, i had been procrastinating my works until i know the 'right thing' and the 'right ways' to do them. Seeing many people in disappointment is a fear that i have lived through these years. I have made excuses of my failures...tried to escape from challenges to avoid the feared outcomes. I feigned to be someone else and hid my negative attributes.

Perfectionism can be a deadly disorder. Sculptor of the Statue of Thomas Hughes at Rugby School, a perfectionist who was suffering from depression, was said to have killed himself due to his failure; he crafted buttons on the right hand side of the statue's jacket but failed to make the corresponding buttonholes on the left hand side, the omission which was pointed out to him.

Although i am certain today of the stability of my mind, there is a small probability that i might become a danger to myself. This characteristic is perhaps still a small portion of my whole being. Yet i shall ask God of His guidance during the upcoming trials that might possibly test my strength and endurance.

Now, i understand the difference between excellence and perfection. I shall slog for what i see is the best for all, nevertheless i will reassure myself that i will not come to the point where i attain for the best possible. And maybe tomorrow, or the other day...years, will i be able to change what i have discovered within myself. But knowing this characteristic somehow contents me as i've found a new piece of me.

Excellence: the state or quality of being oustanding and superior.

Perfection: the quality of something that is as good or suitable as it can possibly be.

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